
※ This leisure agriculture area could be arrived by follow the Northern Second Highway and get off at the Daxi junction – connect to the provincial highway no.4 to the Shimen Reservoir way – pass the Kanjin Bridge and keep on the provincial highway no.4

※Public transportation:
※Taiwan Railway(Southbound): Taoyuan Railway Rear Station – take the Taoyuan intercity bus to Daxi – change the intercity bus to Shimen Reservoir – get off at the Neijha Temple Bus station

※Taiwan Railway(Northbound): Get off at the Jongli railway station – take the Taoyuan intercity bus ‘Jongli-Guanlucyue-Daxi’line or ‘Jongli-Balong’line and get off at the Daxi main station – change the intercity bus to Shimen Reservoir – get off at the Neijha Temple Bus station

※Taiwan High-speed rail: Get off at the HSR Taoyuan Station – take the Taoyuan intercity bus ‘High-speed rail shuttle bus’and get off at the Taoyuan Railway Rear Station – take the Taoyuan intercity bus to Daxi – change the intercity bus to Shimen Reservoir – get off at the Neijha Temple Bus station

※ Intercity Bus: 5096 / 5098 / 5101 / 5110 / 5097 / 5104 / 5106 / 5105 / 5109 / 5112 / 5090 / 5091 / 5093 / 5094 / 710

※ Taiwan Tourist Shuttle service: Cihu Route(Jongli-Longtan-Daxi-Cihu)and get off at the Good Time Farm

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